首页 > 生活服务 > 中国日报 7.5.1

  • 更新时间 2022-07-31
  • 应用语言 简体中文
  • 应用版本 7.5.1
  • 下载量 827
  • 应用平台 ios
  • 应用类型 生活服务
China Daily app is your first choice for English news about China.

China Daily, the largest English-language media group in China, is the go-to source for high-quality English news content including breaking news,
China Daily app is your first choice for English news about China.

China Daily, the largest English-language media group in China, is the go-to source for high-quality English news content including breaking news, livestreaming, videos, commentary and in-depth reporting. The app also has a bilingual channel that allows users to read news in English or Chinese.

Download the app now and you can:
- Stay informed with breaking news from China and the world on your mobile devices;
- Never miss a thing by subscribing to push notifications;
- Customize your newsfeed, and choose the Chinese or global edition;
- Read news either in English or Chinese in the bilingual channel;
- Easily find headlines that fit your interests with the AI-powered news bot;
- Listen to audio news;
- Watch videos and livestreaming;
- Get everything you need if you want to travel, study or work in China;
- Earn gifts and other rewards by reading, sharing, liking and commenting on an article;
- Use a built-in English dictionary to help with reading.

We value your feedback. If you have something to share, then email us at app@chinadaily.com.cn.

If you're enjoying the app, please leave us a rating and review. Thank you!

You can also visit the website below to learn more:

China Daily (中国日报)客户端是你的英语新闻首选。


- 国际国内突发新闻及时推送和报道;
- 国际版全新上线,用户自行选择国内版或则国际版;
- 话题订阅功能,精准定制资讯服务;
- 针对外籍人士的实用信息;
- 阅读打卡并领取金币奖励,兑换好礼;
- 双语栏目阅读英语新闻省时省力;
- Audio频道锻炼英语听力;
- 外国学生汉语学习资源;
- 精彩直播和独家视频;
- 可萌可酷的新闻机器人;
- 实时查词功能。




- 【新增】知识问答社区正式上线!一起来分享知识,寻求解决问题的更好方法吧!
- 【修复】修复了一些bug。


  • 中国日报 7.5.1
  • 中国日报 7.5.1
  • 中国日报 7.5.1
  • 中国日报 7.5.1
  • 中国日报 7.5.1


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