Rivalry between Apple and Samsung in smartphones will grow fiercer, Economist
“Samsung’s new phone is expected to win back users. It used to copy Apple’s innovations but is now often ahead on new features, says Werner Goertz of Gartner. Samsung was the first to release an OLED screen, for instance.”
Gartner个人技术团队研究总监Werner Goertz认为:三星的新手机预计会赢回用户。三星曾经复制了苹果的创新,但现在三星总是引领新的特性,例如三星第一个采用了OLED屏幕。
Here's how the iPhone X compares to the Galaxy Note 8, CNBC
“The iPhone X doesn't come with any sort of stylus and there doesn't seem to be demand from Apple's fan base. Samsung's Note series includes an S Pen that slides into the bottom of the phone. Samsung fans love this for taking notes and sketching”
CNBC:以下是iPhone X与Galaxy Note 8的对比
iPhone X并没有配备任何形态的手写笔,并且看起来苹果的粉丝们对手写笔并没有需求。三星的Note系列标配一只可以滑进手机底部的S Pen,三星的粉丝喜欢用它去做笔记和画图。
iphone X Features: A leap forward for Apple but Samsung is still ahead, Independent
“As well as beating Apple to the punch, Samsung has done a much better job of making an all-screen phone too. The X, unlike the S8, S8 Plus and Note 8, has an unusual cutout – flanked by two “ears” – at the top of the screen, which could prevent iPhone X users from ever watching videos in true fullscreen mode”
Independent :iPhone X特性汇总:苹果的飞跃了 但三星依旧领先
在献给苹果一记重拳的同时,三星做出了更好的全面屏手机。跟S8、S8+和Note8不同,X在屏幕上方有一个少见的缺口,缺口两侧有两个“耳朵”,用户使用iPhone X全屏观看视频时,视线将被阻挡。
10 reasons why the Galaxy Note8 is better than the iphoneX, Phandroid
“Two areas where the Note 8 still has the upper hand is in resolution — 2960×1440 (521 ppi) vs the iPhone X’s 2436×1125 (458 ppi) — and brightness. The Galaxy Note 8’s display reaches an astounding 1,200 nits, whereas the iPhone X only hits a meager 625 nits. That means when it comes to outdoor viewing, the Galaxy Note 8 is still king.”
Phandroid:Galaxy Note8强过iPhone X的10个理由
以下两方面Note8仍然占据上风。一是屏幕的分辨率:Note 8 2960×1440 (521 ppi) vs iPhone X 2436×1125 (458 ppi) ,二是屏幕亮度:Galaxy Note 8的屏幕亮度达到令人惊叹的1200 nits,相形之下iPhone X只有可怜的625 nits,这表示说在户外使用手机时,Galaxy Note 8仍然是机皇。
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